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The State of Pregnant & Parenting webinar event

Michelson 20MM Presents: The State of Pregnant & Parenting Students

13 Dec

Event Details:

Join Michelson 20MM and The Education-Trust West on December 13th as we highlight key findings from the California Student Parent Data Collection Landscape Analysis Project and identify ways that campuses can go from family-friendly to family-serving.

In California, 20% of all undergraduates are parents, and over 180,000 college students are single mothers. A national survey conducted by Generation Hope found that 40% of parenting students feel isolated on their campus and disconnected from their college community, while 20% of parenting students feel unwelcome on their campuses. National data further demonstrates that student-parents are ten times less likely to complete a bachelor’s degree within five years than nonparents.

Together with The Education Trust-West, we are pleased to share a preview of the report from the California Student Parent Data Collection Landscape Analysis Project, an effort that aims to inform the field about how data on this student population is collected, where it lives, how it can be improved and how it can inform policy changes in support of pregnant and parenting students. Learn more about the event topic here.


Guest Panelists:

Isaac Alferos
Research and Data Analyst, The Education Trust-West

Christopher J. Nellum
Executive Director, The Education Trust-West

Maya Valree
Policy Analyst, Parenting Students, The Education Trust-West


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he State of Pregnant & Parenting webinar event


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December 13, 2023
11:00 am - 12:00 pm PST
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United States